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Archive Press releases 2017


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18 May 2017, 14:42
For the second year running, the European Youth Debating Competition (EYDC) - a joint project between The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) and PlasticsEurope - has been launched. The Italian National Finals was organised with the support of the Regional School Office of Lombardy, territory of Milan, gathering 95 students in a successful and enjoyable debate.
9 May 2017, 14:43
Innovation and enhanced collection and sorting systems key for closing the loop
6 Apr 2017, 14:43
EPCA and PlasticsEurope launch the next edition of their debating competition
14 Mar 2017, 14:45
PlasticsEurope’s reaction to the EP vote on the Waste Package
28 Jan 2017, 14:46
What are the main opportunities and challenges for the European plastics industry in the circular economy? What are the best practices and most advanced know-how in waste management around Europe and the world? How can we prevent plastic waste ending up in the environment?
28 Jan 2017, 14:40
PlasticsEurope launched today an initiative to promote innovative recycling solutions for Polystyrene, in a push to support the European Union’s circular economy plan. The group aims to engage the value chain in the development and industrialization of promising new recycling technologies.

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