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Archive News 2020


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Just released - “Sustainable Plastics Strategy” Report

The European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) and its partners – Cefic, PlasticsEurope, European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and the European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform (ECP4) just released the “Sustainable Plastics Strategy” report.

Deep dive into “Plastics: the Facts 2020”

PlasticsEurope launched today the 2020 edition of its awaited annual report “Plastics: the Facts”. Discover the 2019 plastic materials production and demand updated data and extended 2018 waste management figures.

OCS becomes an intrinsic part of PlasticsEurope’s DNA

PlasticsEurope, the Pan-European trade association representing plastics manufacturers, launched today its Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) annual Progress Report taking stock of the advancements made by our members together with the value chain towards ending pellet loss in any environment.

Virginia Janssens: Sustainability Insights

Sustainability pervades many sectors of the economy. Virginia Janssens cautioned against substitution with alternative materials which is not based on life-cycle analysis.