PlasticsEurope provides a range of educational materials about plastics on national and regional level.
For more information on these, please check the education sections of the various language versions of this website.
On a pan-European level, PlasticsEurope is actively involved in two programmes:
- We co-organise the European Youth Debating Competition (EYDC).
- We produce Kuno/Plastek/Plasty/Olly - an experiment kit for primary school pupils that gives children the opportunity to discover plastics through experimentation.
European Youth Debating Competition (EYDC)
PlasticsEurope, in collaboration with the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA), organises the European Youth Debating Competition (EYDC, In 2017, more than 400 students aged 16 – 19 from across Europe participated in this prestigious competition, which was first launched in 2016.
For more information, visit: and
Experiment Kit - Kuno/Plastek/Plasty/Olly
“Kunos coole Kunststoff-Kiste” is an experiment kit for primary school pupils that was initially developed by PlasticsEurope in Germany. It gives children the opportunity to discover plastics through five exciting experiments.
The kit includes instructions and materials for the following experiments:
- Manufacture a polystyrene ball.
- Test a superabsorber.
- Purify water.
- Explore the properties of various plastic films.
- Form a bouncing ball.
Kuno has also gone international:
In 2010, Kuno welcomed a little brother: the Polish branch of the association adopted Kuno and called it Plastek.
For more information about Plastek here.
There is also an Italian version, Plasty. You can find more information about Plasty here.
In 2016, an English version was introduced, called "Olly”.
For more information, see:
Contact us for more information
Contact us for more information about the benefits of plastics and the activities of PlasticsEurope.