PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V. ist der Verband der Kunststofferzeuger in Deutschland. Wir sind ein Fachverband des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) und Teil des europäischen Netzwerks PlasticsEurope mit Vertretung in Brüssel und den europäischen Wirtschaftszentren- und Hauptstädten.
Die europäische Kunststoffindustrie möchte auch in Zukunft einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Wohlstand leisten. Unser Ziel: Mit Innovationen Lebensqualität verbessern, Ressourcen effizient nutzen und das Klima schützen. Kunststoffe sind als Werkstoff essentiell für ein nachhaltiges Leben und für das Erreichen der Klimaschutzziele. Ob Windräder, Energiesparhäuser oder E-Mobiliät: leistungsfähige Kunststoffe ermöglichen es Ressourcen und CO2 einzusparen.
Derzeit arbeiten in der Kunststoffindustrie EU-weit mehr als 1,5 Millionen Menschen in etwa 55.000 Unternehmen.
Was wollen wir erreichen?
Die Kunststoffindustrie befindet sich in einer umfassenden Transformation zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. Das Ziel der Kreislaufwirtschaft ist, es Kunststoffe so effizient und lange wie möglich zu nutzen und anschließend wieder zurückzugewinnen. Deshalb wird der gesamte Lebensweg eines Kunststoffs von Beginn an mitgedacht: Von der Rohstoffgewinnung über die Herstellung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung bis hin zur Wiederverwertung.
Die Transformation zur Kreislaufwirtschaft erfordert Entschlossenheit, interdisziplinäres Denken und neue Ideen. Dafür ist ein gutes Zusammenspiel unterschiedlicher Akteure der Wirtschaft, Politik und einer Vielzahl an gesellschaftlichen Gruppen wichtig.
Wie wollen wir unser Ziel erreichen?
Um dieses Zusammenspiel zu fördern, vermitteln wir relevantes Fachwissen und innovative Lösungsansätze. Diese wollen wir transparent darstellen, diskutieren und in politische und gesellschaftliche Entscheidungsprozesse einbringen. Unser Anspruch ist es, Herausforderungen, Ideen und Kritik zu verstehen und interessierten Menschen Rede und Antwort zu stehen.
Verhaltenskodex für die verantwortungsvolle Interessenvertretung
Wir stehen im regelmäßigen Austausch mit Vertretern der Politik und den Medien, und engagieren uns in öffentlichen Diskussionen. Alle unsere Aktivitäten orientieren sich an Offenheit, Transparenz und Integrität. Unser Engagement beruht auf der Vermittlung und Diskussion von faktenbasierten Informationen und Argumenten. Die folgenden Grundsätze gelten für alle unsere Mitarbeiter sowie Vertreter von Mitgliedsunternehmen, mit denen wir uns in gemeinsamen Gesprächen und Veranstaltungen engagieren.
Den Verhaltenskodex für die verantwortungsvolle Interessenvertretung können Sie hier downloaden.

PlasticsEurope ist auch auf internationaler Ebene über das World Plastics Council (WPC) und die Global Plastics Alliance (GPA) vernetzt. Diese Kooperationen zielen hauptsächlich darauf ab, an Lösungen im Kampf gegen die weltweite Meeresverschmutzung zu arbeiten. PlasticsEurope kooperiert zudem eng mit nationalen Kunststoffverbänden in Europa und der Welt.
PlasticsEurope ...
- betont die zahlreichen positiven Beiträge, die Kunststoffe während ihres gesamten Lebenszyklus’ für die Gesellschaft erbringen.
- stellt Informations- und Lehrmaterial bereit, um das Wissen über Kunststoffe zu verbessern.
- hält Kontakt zu europäischen und nationalen Stakeholdern und stellt Wissen und Expertise bereit.
- verdeutlicht den Beitrag der Kunststoffe zu Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation und Lebensqualität,
- regt Studien und den Austausch von Wissen an.
Die General Assembly von PlasticsEurope in Brüssel ist das höchste Beschlussgremium der Organisation. Ein Steering Board mit Vertretern von Mitgliedsunternehmen berät den Managing Director und das Leadership Team von PlasticsEurope bei Strategie, Budget und Verbandszielen. Das Steering Board wird durch die regionalen Advisory Boards unterstützt, durch die Kommitees zu Advocacy und Kommunikation sowie die drei Strategic Councils, die sich aus Vertretern der Mitgliedsunternehmen und den regionalen Direktoren von PlasticsEurope zusammensetzen.

Das Leadership Team besteht aus einem Managing Director, fachlichen Direktoren und den regionalen Direktoren. Das Gremium entwickelt die Strategien der Organisation, treibt Projekte voran und stellt deren Umsetzung sicher.
Das Steering Board umfasst den Vorsitzenden (derzeit: Dr. Markus Steilemann, COVESTRO), die Vizepräsidenten (derzeit: Rob Ingram, INEOS, Benny Mermans, CHEVRON und Richard Roudeix, LYONDELLBASELL), den Schatzmeister (derzeit: Richard Mayo, DUPONT) und weitere führende Vertreter der Mitgliedsunternehmen. Diese werden für einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren gewählt, wobei deren Mandat einmal verlängert werden kann.
Strategic Councils
- überprüfen und lenken Kernaktivitäten des Verbandes zu
- Klima und Produktion
- Nachhaltige Nutzung von Kunststoffen
- End-of-life und Zirkularität
- entwickeln Empfehlungen und beraten zu Verbandsaufgaben
- entwickeln Vorschläge zu Budgetleitplanken
- ernennen Arbeitsgruppen und wickeln diese auch wieder ab; die Arbeitsgruppen aus Vertretern des Verbandes und von Mitgliedsunternehmen erfüllen Aufgaben innerhalb des vereinbarten Budgets
Regional Advisory Boards (RABs) werden von einem Steering Board Mitglied geleitet; die RABs
- stellen sicher, dass die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der einzelnen Regionen von PlasticsEurope berücksichtigt werden
- setzen die Kernaktivitäten um
- unterstützen die Produktgruppen
- entscheiden über das regionale Budget und finanzieren dieses bedarfsgerecht.
Die Produktgruppen werden von einem Mitglied des Steering Board betreut und
Das Führungsteam von PlasticsEurope
Virginia Janssens
Managing Director
Virginia Janssens joined PlasticsEurope as Managing Director on 16 March 2020. Virginia has been the Managing Director of the European Organization for Packaging and the Environment (EUROPEN) since 2012. Prior to joining EUROPEN in January 2010 as EU Affairs Manager, Ms Janssens acquired considerable experience in the Brussels arena working both as a public affairs and public relations consultant for various clients coming from the environment, food, chemical and energy sectors. Ms Janssens obtained a Master’s Degree in Political & Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium and a second Master’s Degree in Intercultural Management at the ICHEC Business School in Brussels.
Arnaud Scaramanga
Director Finance and Business Services
Arnaud Scaramanga joined PlasticsEurope on 1 September as Finance and Business Services Director.
Arnaud is a finance and administration professional with over 15 years managerial experience gained within international membership associations.
Arnaud is responsible for all finance, IT and HR matters, as well as legal and competition compliance. He is leading the Finance and Business Services day-to-day operations as well as the related development and implementation of internal policies and processes. This includes current and future digitalization strategies to further support the transformation of our Association.
Arnaud previously worked for ENTSO-E, an organisation developing pan-European engineering designs and software developments in the frame of the energy transition.
David Carroll
Director External Affairs
David Carroll was appointed to the new position of Director External Affairs and joined PlasticsEurope on 1 May 2020. David brings expertise in coordinating and implementing Brussels and pan-European governmental affairs campaigns. David has worked with different parts of the plastics industry for almost all of his career, and has seen how the industry has transitioned to a new circular vision. David worked for five years at Hill + Knowlton and four and a half at Teneo. His main area of focus with Teneo was on helping companies, governments and trade associations facing challenging external issues with strategic positioning.
Sylvie Aitken
Director Communications
Sylvie Aitken joined PlasticsEurope on 15 June 2020 as Director Communications. Sylvie has over 15 years’ experience in corporate and public affairs communications (both in-house and agency). She has successfully led the creation and execution of integrated communication strategies, profiling business (Boeing, Mondelez, FoodDrinkEurope, e-Pure) and civil society innovators (World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), The Ocean Cleanup, Oxfam) from thought leadership initiatives, on and offline engagement programmes, brand repositioning, to building strategic coalitions and partnerships - showcasing their contribution to the EU’s policy agendas.
Patricia Vangheluwe
Director Strategic Council - End-of-Life and Circularity
Dr Patricia Vangheluwe graduated from the University of Leuven (Belgium) in 1984 with a PhD in Organic Chemistry, followed by a post-Doctorate at the University of Pretoria (South Africa). She also holds a master degree in Controllership from the Vlerick Management School (Ghent, Belgium).
She joined Shell in 1989 and held various positions from manager to Senior Vice President in Shell, Montell, Basell and LyondellBasell in the fields of research, marketing, strategy, communications and human resources. She worked in Belgium, Germany, South America and South Africa and travelled extensively around the world.
In October 2010 she joined PlasticsEurope to lead their pan-European Technical Department. Together with expert teams, she manages and coordinates the scientific content to support the association’s mission.
As of May 2020 Patricia will take the role of Director Strategic Council – End-of-Life and Circularity.
Hervé Millet
Director Strategic Council - Climate and Production
Hervé spent 22 years within the Solvay group in various business and service functions. In 2010, he joined PlasticsEurope in Paris as Director of Technical and Regulatory Affairs for the West Region and as European project manager for Fire safety. Late 2014, he took the additional responsibility to manage the Waste Management topic of the association at European level (recently taking the chairmanship, on behalf of PlasticsEurope, of the Monitoring Working Group of the Circular Plastics Alliance).
Michel Cassart
Director Strategic Council - Sustainable Use of Plastics
Michel joined Total in ‘95 as a technical service engineer. For more than 20 years, Michel build up industrial experience in Plastics by holding various management positions in R&D, Customer Services, Polymer Production Process, Business Management & Business strategy. In 2016, he joined PlasticsEurope to coordinate Food Contact, REACH activities and certain sector groups.
Brigitte Dero
General Manager
ECVM & VinylPlus
Belgian-born, Patrick d’Hose is the Financial Director of PlasticsEurope. He received his Masters degree in Business and Financial Sciences in 1978 (ICHEC) followed by Masters in Business and Consular Sciences (HEC St-Louis) and one in Labor Sciences (UCL). Up to April 2007, Patrick was the Financial Controller of a Strategic Business Unit within the Solvay Group.
Active in politics after the university he became a councillor for Wezembeek-Oppem in 1983 for 18 years and was CPAS-OCMW councillor for the district from 2001 to 2006.
Patrick chaired the Financial ExecutiDr. Brigitte Dero holds a PhD in Sciences (Molecular Biology) from the University of Brussels (ULB) in Belgium. Early in her career she worked for a special programme of the World Health Organisation on tropical diseases before moving to the metals industry to work in the occupational health, safety and environment arenas and, subsequently, on waste management and recycling.
In June 1999 she joined the European Chemical Industry Council as a sector group manager and was appointed director of the plastic additives department in December 2001. At this position Brigitte managed a team of Technical managers and Communication counsellors and developed in-depth knowledge of PVC stabilisers, plasticisers, flame retardants, antioxidants and food contact additives.
In December 2011 Brigitte became general manager of the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM) and developed knowledge of resin manufacturing. ECVM operates in Brussels under the umbrella of PlasticsEurope and consists of 5 companies in the PVC business. In 2011, she also became deputy-general manager of VinylPlus, the legal body in charge of the implementation of the Voluntary Commitment of the European PVC industry.
In January 2014 she became general manager of VinylPlus the umbrella under which 200 companies from the PVC value chain (resin, chemical additives, and plastic converters) work together to increase the sustainability performance of PVC.
In 2012 she registers VinylPlus in the UN Registry of Commitments and engaged VinylPlus with UNEP/UNIDO. IN 2013, VinylPLus became a member of the UNIDO/UNEP Green industry platform, a global high-level, multi-stakeholder partnership to mobilise action on Green Industry around the world.
Since 2012 she is the chairperson of the Global Vinyl Council composed of worldwide Regional Vinyl Associations (Asia-Pacific, US, Japan, India, South Africa, South America, Europe).
She is Belgian, born in 1960, she is married and has two sons. Brigitte is passionate by science & sustainability, women in chemistry & education. She supports the ‘Women in Green industry chapter’ of UNIDO/UNEP. es Institute of Belgium (, the Belgian CFOs association, from 1997 to 2006. Board member of the European Federation of Financial Executives Institutes ( he became Chairman in 2015. EFFEI is representing through the national Financial Executives Institutes, 25.000 CFOs, Finance Directors and Controllers in Europe.
In 2014, Patrick was elected in the Board of Directors of the Federation of International Associations in Belgium ( which gives support and connects international associations in Belgium.
Passionate about heraldry, he was Board member of l’Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique (1983-2013) and of l’Association Royale des Descendants des Lignages de Bruxelles. He is married with 5 children.
Nicolas Robin
Director Fluoropolymers
For 25 years, Nicolas has been involved in French and European politics – both as an actor, and also as an observer of the often complicated and Byzantine world of how Brussels functions. He has a track record of successfully shaping public policy at the EU and national levels on energy, environment and reputation issues. Prior to his role in PlasticsEurope, Nicolas worked as in-house PA director for leading glass packaging company, general secretary for electronic and payment system trade associations and manager of Brussels based PA consulting firms.
Christian Block
Director Styrenics Chain
Dr Christian Block joined PlasticsEurope on 15 April 2016 as new Director Styrenics Chain, succeeding Eric Faes.
He has German nationality and holds a PhD in Chemistry from Cologne University.
Before joining PlasticsEurope, Christian held various management positions at Henkel and AISE, and until recently, was the Head of Technical & Regulatory Affairs at Colgate-Palmolive.
PlasticsEurope Büros
Ingemar Bühler
Regional Director – Central Region
PlasticsEurope Deutschland
Ingemar Bühler joined PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V. and serves as Managing Director and Regional Director Central Europe. Ingemar was born in Leverkusen in May 1981. He earned a master’s degree in international politics at the University of Erlangen. In addition, he earned a global business diploma and several executive certificates in the area of strategy development and negotiation at the University of Oxford’s Said Business School and at the LSE. During his studies he also worked at several renowned think tanks, including the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, SWP, SNV, Chatham House and the foreign office. Ingemar is fluent in German, English, French and Spanish.
Ingemar joined the corporate world in 2009 and worked first as a project manager and executive management support at Bayer AG HQ, prior to leading its newly established international advocacy team. In 2014 he moved to Bayer’s agricultural business division as head of strategy, executive and financial communications. From 2016 to 2019 he was executive management support and chief of staff of the global public affairs team, before taking over responsibility as head of public affairs & sustainability in Germany with additional responsibilities for EU affairs.
Ingemar is married and father of two daughters.
Alicia Martín
Regional Director - Ibérica Region
PlasticsEurope España
Alicia Martín holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Salamanca, and has two master's programs, one in Advanced Specialization in Plastics and Rubber from the CSIC and the other in Quality Management from the Spanish Quality Association. In addition, she has been trained in the Development of Leadership Competencies at the IESE Business School in Barcelona.
During her professional career in the industry, Alicia has held different management and leadership positions at PlasticsEurope in the areas of sustainability, consumer protection and product stewardship, both at national and European level. In addition, during the last three years she has collaborated with two multinational companies in the plastics sector, Dow and Repsol, in the implementation of their sustainability and circular economy strategies.
Giuseppe Riva
Regional Director – Mediterranean Region
PlasticsEurope Italia
Giuseppe Riva graduated from the University of Milan in 1971 with a Degree in Industrial Chemistry. Over the next ten years Giuseppe worked in the research and marketing departments of various chemical companies. In 1981, he joined Montedison and later assumed responsibility for Montedison’s office in Prague. Giuseppe returned to Montedison’s headquarters in Milan in 1988, as assistant to the President of Ferruzzi Europa and Federchimica. He moved to EniChem/Polimeri Europa in 1991 to manage Strategic Studies and Competition Analysis. In January 2000, Giuseppe joined the Internal Relations department of Federchimica. Since 2004 Giuseppe has been Regional Director for PlasticsEurope Italy.
Sabine Nadherny-Borutin
PlasticsEurope Austria
Charlotte Delvaux
PlasticsEurope Belgium
Jean-Yves Daclin
PlasticsEurope France
Theo Stijnen
PlasticsEurope Nederland
Anna Kozera-Szałkowska
PlasticsEurope Polska
Adrian Whyle
PlasticsEurope UK
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