The ERM Innovation Day will update on the current developments in the food contact regulatory landscape of plastics and non plastics material. The Seminar will also focus on environmental aspects of FCM in the context of recycling, circular economy and sustainability. In addition, our experts will provide information on addressing the permanent topic of NIAS in an adequate manner and implementation & certification of GMP system.
Who should attend?
All stakeholders of the supply chain of food contact materials and managers who are taking responsibility in the areas of regulatory affairs, product stewardship, food contact compliance, quality managers and those who are
involved in taking care of environmental aspects, circular economy and sustainability.
Why should you attend?
Key note speakers from associations, industry and independent institutes will emphasize on current challenges concerning framework regulation and regulatory on non-harmonized FCM. Environmental aspects in the FCM
value chain and solutions in regards of optimizing the sustainability footprint will be addressed by senior subject matter experts.
What are your questions?
The Q&A module is giving you the opportunity to pose your individual questions upfront of the event and receive adequate responses during the Q&A session / panel discussion. Please use the following address for your questions: