Nouvelles de l’industrie des plastiques

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nouvelles de l’industrie des plastiques

Archive News 2017

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Voluntary commitment by industry: how successful can it be?

The concept of voluntary agreements to apply sustainability industry isn't new but agreements endorsed by authorities remain rare. What role can voluntary approaches play in advancing towards a more sustainable industry?

A vest against water shortage

In October 2016, hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, destroying lives and livelihoods of many. People often lost everything, even the access to the most basic facilities, like fresh and clean water. As a result, people often had to cover large distances to get water.

World Oceans Day: Why the protection of oceans is a top priority

Marine litter is a global challenge that affects the world’s oceans, seas and rivers, harming wild life, fisheries and tourism. This phenomenon needs to be addressed with all the available means, given its environmental, economic and health impact.

Polish winners of EYDC 2017

The youth debate organised on 30 May at Warsaw University of Technology was the fourth of seven planned events of the European Youth Debating Competition, organised by the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) and PlasticsEurope.

Let’s Clean Up Europe!

On Friday, May 12, PlasticsEurope Brussels team organised for the fourth consecutive year a clean-up action in the framework of the “Let’s Clean Up Europe” (LCUE) initiative.

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