Location European Parliament, Brussels
Period 10 octobre 2017
Description The EU’s major buildings legislation is under review: this is the opportunity to boost the quality of life and wellbeing of people across Europe through energy renovation. Citizens deserve warmer homes, better workplaces, healthier schools and safer, livelier neighbourhoods.

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High-Level Conference

Co-hosted by 5 MEPs leading work on the EPBD

The EU’s major buildings legislation is under review: this is the opportunity to boost the quality of life and wellbeing of people across Europe through energy renovation.  Citizens  deserve warmer homes, better workplaces, healthier schools and safer, livelier neighbourhoods.

  • How can we make the EU vision of a Nearly Zero Energy (NZEB) building stock by 2050 deliver the best results for its citizens?
  • What is the best way to reflect the important contribution which buildings must make to the Paris Agreement in the EU's Clean Energy Package?
  • How can we improve the quality of life and wellbeing of EU citizens through better buildings?

The Rapporteur and 4 Shadow Rapporteurs for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) will debate their views with the Estonian EU Presidency (tbc), the Commission and key stakeholders at Renovate  Europe Day 2017 (REDay2017).

These 5 MEPs are signatories of the Renovate Europe Pledge to Stop Energy Waste in Buildings. See all 97 MEP signatories here

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