Sheraton Warsaw Hotel, Warsaw, Poland
06 novembre 2012 - 07 novembre 2012
10th International Conference on the Recycling & Recovery of Plastics
Zero plastics to landfill by 2020 – how to reach the goal
IdentiPlast 2012: yet another resounding success!
With the 10th edition of IdentiPlast 2012, held in Warsaw (Poland) on 6-7 November 2012, the European Tour of IdentiPlast that began in 2010 in London successfully brought together more than 170 European experts on plastics waste management. High profile guest speakers included Prof. Helmut Maurer, European Commission, DG Environment, MEP Boguslaw Sonik, representatives of the Polish Ministry of Environment, high level scientists and waste management experts.
In addition to key note speeches, IdentiPlast 2012 hosted two lively discussion panels, one dedicated to finding ways and means to reaching the target of zero plastics to landfill by 2020, the other focused on the NIMBY syndrome related to energy-from-waste plants.