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Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter, Véronique Fraigneau.

11 juil. 2017 à 13:50
Nos déchets (plastiques) sont de plus en plus nombreux : comment éviter leur impact sur l’environnement, et surtout, comment peuvent-ils devenir une ressource ?
10 juil. 2017 à 14:39
The World Plastics Council (WPC) welcomes the Marine Litter Action Plan released today by the G20 and commends states for their commitment to substantially reduce marine litter and its impacts by 2025.
8 juin 2017 à 13:46
Daniele Ferrari, PDG de Versalis, Président de Matrica et Président de PlasticsEurope Italie, devient président de PlasticsEurope.
1 juin 2017 à 14:40
Daniele Ferrari, CEO of Versalis (Eni), has been elected President of PlasticsEurope, succeeding Patrick Thomas, CEO of Covestro, who held this office since 2011. Mr Ferrari was elected by PlasticsEurope’s General Assembly, on 1 June in Madrid.
30 mai 2017 à 14:41
The youth debate organised at Warsaw University of Technology was the fourth of seven planned events of the European Youth Debating Competition, organised by the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) and PlasticsEurope. Three winners of the debate: from Warsaw and Lublin will represent Poland at the European Finals to be held in Berlin at the beginning of October, during the 51st EPCA Annual Meeting.
18 mai 2017 à 14:42
For the second year running, the European Youth Debating Competition (EYDC) - a joint project between The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) and PlasticsEurope - has been launched. The Italian National Finals was organised with the support of the Regional School Office of Lombardy, territory of Milan, gathering 95 students in a successful and enjoyable debate.
9 mai 2017 à 14:43
Innovation and enhanced collection and sorting systems key for closing the loop
10 avr. 2017 à 13:45
EPCA et PlasticsEurope lancent la deuxième édition de leur concours de l'éloquence
6 avr. 2017 à 14:43
EPCA and PlasticsEurope launch the next edition of their debating competition
27 mars 2017 à 13:44
La fin de la mise en décharge et le tri sélectif de tous les déchets d’emballage, enfin reconnus comme moteurs de l’économie circulaire, à la grande satisfaction de PlasticsEurope

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